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Horticultural Charcoal

Carbon8 Improves Your Soil

It’s easy, fast working and completely natural

Carbon8 is a crushed charcoal product which can be used to improve your garden, lawn and pot plants.

Most people enjoy the sight of a beautiful garden but unfortunately with water shortages it can be a little difficult to maintain a stunning landscape.

Our Carbon8 product can help you make your garden beautiful and eco-friendly while saving water. It is designed to be a storehouse for nutrients, microbes and moisture to help your plants grow vibrantly and produce better.

Carbon8 layered on the top of the soil in your garden will reduce the effects of heat and frost it is like an insulation to your plants.

Carbon 8

Carbon8 can be used on the lawn or even on the soil when preparing for a new lawn. For even coverage apply using a fertiliser spreader and water in will. Top dress your lawns and keep them green this summer with Carbon8.

It will reduce moisture loss and gives it a deeper green colour to your lawns. Carbon8 can also be used as a slug and snail repellent as the abrasive nature of the charcoal stops the snail trail mid slide.

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